Based on: Untitled Serigraphs by Belfort Group, 1977
Category: experimental
Copyright (c) 2013 Alba Francesca Battista - OSI/MIT license (http:
//recodeproject/license). This sketch is not running in the browser.
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Untitled Serigraphs" by Belfort Group Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v2n2, 1977 Copyright (c) 2013 Alba Francesca Battista - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ int x=20; int y=50; int i=0; int j=0; int larghezza=320; int lunghezza=60; int vicini=80; int offset=50; float A; float G; void setup() { size(600,800); background(0); strokeWeight(0); smooth(); stroke(255); noLoop(); } void draw() { background(0); for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) { A=random(width); G=random(height); strokeWeight(random(0.1,.8)); point(A, G); } strokeWeight(2); for (int i=-50; i<lunghezza; i=i+(int)random(2,6)) { for (int j=99-i; j<larghezza; j=j+(int)random(1,6)) { x = j-(i/3)+vicini; if (y<180 && x>(235+random(0,4))){ } else{ point(x, y); point(width-x, height-y); } } y = (y<=height ? y=y+(int)random(2,28)+j+2 : 0); } } void mousePressed() { redraw(); x=20; y=offset; }