Based on: Structure Square Series Inwards by Roger Coqart, 1976
Category: direct
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Structure Square Series Inwards" by Roger Coqart Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n3, 1976 Copyright (c) 2022 Alireza Sarabchi - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ let squareSize = 25; let paddings = 25; const columns = 15; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(255); noFill(); stroke(1); rectMode(CENTER); push(); translate(paddings, paddings); for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let x = i * squareSize; let factor = (i + 1) % 8; drawSquare(x, x, 20, 8 - (factor === 0 ? 8 : factor)); for (let j = 14 - i; j > i; j--) { drawSquare(x, j * squareSize, 20, 8 - (factor === 0 ? 8 : factor)); drawSquare( (14 - i) * squareSize, j * squareSize, 20, 8 - (factor === 0 ? 8 : factor) ); drawSquare(j * squareSize, x, 20, 8 - (factor === 0 ? 8 : factor)); drawSquare( j * squareSize, (14 - i) * squareSize, 20, 8 - (factor === 0 ? 8 : factor) ); } } resetMatrix(); pop(); } function draw() {} function drawSquare(x, y, size, lines = 0) { rect(x, y, size); let halfSize = size / 2; let quarterSize = size / 4; let position = 0; let prevPosition = 0; let selectedLines = []; while (lines > 0) { while ( position === prevPosition || selectedLines.indexOf(position) !== -1 ) { position = Math.floor(random(1, 9)); } selectedLines.push(position); prevPosition = position; switch (position) { case 1: line(x - halfSize, y, x + halfSize, y); break; case 2: line(x, y - halfSize, x, y + halfSize); break; case 3: line(x - halfSize, y - halfSize, x + halfSize, y + halfSize); break; case 4: line(x + halfSize, y - halfSize, x - halfSize, y + halfSize); break; case 5: line(x - halfSize, y, x, y - halfSize); break; case 6: line(x - halfSize, y, x, y + halfSize); break; case 7: line(x + halfSize, y, x, y - halfSize); break; case 8: line(x + halfSize, y, x, y + halfSize); break; } lines--; } }