Based on: The Cube Theme and Variation by Edward Zajec, 1976
Category: experimental
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "The Cube Theme and Variation" by Edward Zajec Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n2, 1976 Copyright (c) 2013 chimanaco - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ //--------- // GLOBALS //--------- color bgColor = color(0); color drawColor = color(255, 255, 255); int strokeW = 3; int loopNum = 20; float objetOffsetX = -2; float objetOffsetY = 2; int bgOffset = 12; int bottomW = 560; int bottomH = 20; int bottomX = 32; int bottomY = 278; int baseX = 250; int baseY = 15; int baseX1 = 20; int baseY1 = 40; int baseX2 = 90; int baseY2 = 80; int marginY = 100; int firstLY = 100; int firstMLY = 65; int speed = 2; int angle = 0; //--------- // SETUP //--------- void setup() { // Screen size(400, 400); smooth(); } //--------- // DRAW //--------- void draw() { float s = sin(radians(angle)); float m = map(s, -1, 1, -10, 10); float c = map(s, -1, 1, 0, 255); // Background background(bgColor); // update Postion objetOffsetX = m; objetOffsetY = -m; strokeWeight(strokeW); stroke(drawColor); // drawBG line for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { line(i * bgOffset, 0, 0, i * bgOffset); } fill(bgColor); int marginX = baseX1 + baseX2; // drawbottom drawRect(); // first left & third top drawMultiL(baseX - marginX * 2, baseY + marginY, baseX1, baseY1, baseX2, baseY2); // third right & second top drawL(baseX - marginX, baseY - firstLY, baseX1, baseY1 + firstLY, baseX2, baseY2 + firstLY); // base -> second right & second top drawL(baseX, baseY, baseX1, baseY1, baseX2, baseY2); // first right & second top drawL(baseX + marginX, baseY, baseX1, baseY1, baseX2, baseY2); // second right & first top drawL(baseX, baseY - marginY, baseX2, baseY1, baseX2, baseY2); // first right & first top drawL(baseX + marginX, baseY - marginY, baseX2, baseY1, baseX2, baseY2); angle += speed; } /* drawRect */ void drawRect() { pushMatrix(); translate(bottomX, bottomY); for (int i = 0; i < loopNum; i++) { float posX = i * objetOffsetX; float posY = i * objetOffsetY; stroke(drawColor); rect(posX, posY, bottomW, bottomH); if (i % 2 == 0) { stroke(bgColor); line(posX, posY, posX + bottomW, posY); } } popMatrix(); } /* draw L */ void drawL(int posX, int posY, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { for (int i = 0; i < loopNum; i++) { pushMatrix(); translate(posX + i * objetOffsetX, posY + i * objetOffsetY); beginShape(); stroke(drawColor); vertex(0, 0); vertex(x1, 0); vertex(x1, y1); vertex(x2, y1); vertex(x2, y2); vertex(0, y2); endShape(CLOSE); if (i % 2 == 0) { stroke(bgColor); line(0, 0, x1, 0); line(x1, y1, x2, y1); } popMatrix(); } } /* draw L */ void drawMultiL(int posX, int posY, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { for (int i = 0; i < loopNum; i++) { pushMatrix(); translate(posX + i * objetOffsetX, posY + i * objetOffsetY); beginShape(); stroke(drawColor); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (j==0) { vertex(0, -firstMLY); vertex(x1, -firstMLY); } else { vertex(x2 * j + x1 * j, 0); vertex(x2 * j + x1 * (j + 1), 0); } vertex(x2 * j + x1 * (j + 1), y1); vertex(x2 * (j + 1) + x1 * (j + 1), y1); } vertex(x2 * 4 + x1 * 4, y2); vertex(0, y2); endShape(CLOSE); if (i % 2 == 0) { stroke(bgColor); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (j==0) { line(0, -firstMLY, x1, -firstMLY); } else { line(x2 * j + x1 * j, 0, x2 * j + x1 * (j + 1), 0); } line(x2 * j + x1 * (j + 1), y1, x2 * (j + 1) + x1 * (j + 1), y1); } } popMatrix(); } }