Based on: Detail from Tapestry by Jean Claude Marquette, 1976
Category: direct
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Detail from Tapestry" by Jean Claude Marquette Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" vol1 no2, 1976 Copyright (c) 2012 Chris Allick - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ PGraphics pg; void setup() { size( 416, 500, P2D ); fill( 0 ); noStroke(); pg = createGraphics( 416, 500); rotate(-0.01); drawSquares(); } void draw() { } void drawSquares() { background( 240 ); pg.beginDraw(); pg.background( 240 ); for( int r = 2; r < 15; r++ ) { for( int c = 0; c < 28; c++ ) { int rand = (int)round(random(0,1)); pg.noStroke(); if( rand == 1 ) { pg.fill( 63 ); } else { pg.noFill(); } pg.rect( r*26, c*26, 26, 26 ); } } pg.endDraw(); image(pg, 0, 0); } void mousePressed() { rotate(-0.01); drawSquares(); }