Based on: Aeleana by Manuel Barbadillo, 1976
Category: experimental
Reading Makio135's code, I noticed that the number 25 had been used many times to tune the output, appearing in the increasingly complex instructions for drawing various rectangles.
The relevant lines are:
pg.rect(-125, -100, Size+25, Size, 25, 25);
pg.rect(-125, -100, Size, Size-25, 25, 25);
pg.rect(-125, -125, Size/2+25, 175-i*25, 25, 25);
pg.rect(0, -Size/2+i*25, Size/2-i*25, (i==0)?Size/2:Size-(2*i)*25, (Size/2-i*25>25)?25:15, (Size/2-i*25>25)?25:15);
I changed all those 25s to a variable, which I called 'tune' on the sense that this number tuned the drawing to the output Makio135 wanted. I added a second variable, called 'tuneStep', which adjusts increases to 'tune', and then I tied that math to mouse clicks:
void mousePressed() {
tune += tuneStep;
I set both tune and tuneStep to 5, which means that, after 4 clicks, you get Makio135's homage to Barbadillo's original image, but values of tune other than 25 make strikingly different layouts. (The screenshot is 'tune = 5', the initial condition of the modified sketch.) This sketch is running in the browser.
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Aeleana" by Manuel Barbadillo Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n2, 1976 Copyright (c) 2013 Clay Shirky - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ int tune = 5; int tuneStep = 5; void setup() { size(400, 400); } void draw() { drawPattern(0, 0, 200, true, 0); drawPattern(200, 0, 200, false, PI/2); drawPattern(0, 200, 200, false, -PI/2); drawPattern(200, 200, 200, true, PI); } void drawPattern(int x, int y, int Size, boolean black, float angle) { PGraphics pg = createGraphics(200, 200, JAVA2D); pg.beginDraw(); pg.smooth(); pg.noStroke(); pg.background(black?0:255); pg.pushMatrix(); pg.translate(Size/2, Size/2); pg.rotate(angle); pg.fill(black?255:0); pg.rect(-125, -100, Size+tune, Size, tune, tune); pg.fill(black?0:255); pg.rect(-125, -100, Size, Size-tune, tune, tune); for (int i=0; i<6;i++) { black=!black; pg.fill(black?0:255); pg.rect(-125, -125, Size/2+tune, 175-i*tune, tune, tune); } for (int i=0; i<4;i++) { black=!black; pg.fill(black?0:255); pg.rect(0, -Size/2+i*tune, Size/2-i*tune, (i==0)?Size/2:Size-(2*i)*tune, (Size/2-i*tune>tune)?tune:15, (Size/2-i*tune>tune)?tune:15); } pg.popMatrix(); pg.endDraw(); image(pg, x, y); } void mousePressed() { tune += tuneStep; }