Based on: Phase Pattern by Manfred Mohr, 1976
Category: experimental
This is the second of my ports of Manfred Mohr's two plotter drawings, "P145 - Phase Pattern" (1973). These were first published in Catalog Manfred Mohr, "Drawings Dessins Zeichnungen Dibujos", Galerie Weiller, Paris and Galerie Gilles Gheerbrant, Montreal, 1974, and Re-published in "Computer Graphics and Art" Vol.1 No.4, 1976. The originals, whose algorithm was described by Mohr at, are ink on paper, 50cm x 50cm.
This ProcessingJS port uses Bezier curves to duplicate, to the best of my abilities, the exact 3rd-degree splines used in Mohr's originals. The randomization technique by which Mohr generated these curves is unknown, and in the absence of other information about his method I have not attempted to invent one. This sketch is running in the browser.
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( A series of 2 plotter drawings, ink on paper, 50cm x 50cm each, (c) 1973 by Manfred Mohr First published in Catalog Manfred Mohr, "Drawings Dessins Zeichnungen Dibujos", Galerie Weiller, Paris and Galerie Gilles Gheerbrant, Montreal, 1974 Re-published in "Computer Graphics and Art" Vol.1 No.4, 1976 Copyright (c) 2012 Golan Levin - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). This version reproduces the exact 3rd-order spline curves used in Mohr's original. See: */ int nLinesAcross = 133; // Number of lines across, counted per original float marginPercent = 0.02857; // Thickness of margin, measured per original float strokePercent = 0.25; // StrokeWeight as a % of line step, estimated per original int seriesMode = 0; // 0 or 1, depending which of the series we're rendering float margin; float xLeft, xRight; float yTop, yBottom; SplineSegmentCollection curveA; SplineSegmentCollection curveB; FPoint storedCurve[]; class FPoint { float x; float y; } //========================================================== void setup() { size (560, 560, P2D); storedCurve = new FPoint[nLinesAcross]; for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { storedCurve[i] = new FPoint(); } margin = marginPercent * width; xLeft = margin; xRight = width - margin; yTop = margin; yBottom = height - margin; initializeSplineSegmentCollections(); // Compute and store first curve for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { float x = map(i, 0, (nLinesAcross-1), 0, 1); float y = curveA.cubicBezierLookup (x); x = map(x, 0, 1, xLeft, xRight); y = map(y, 0, 1, yTop, yBottom); storedCurve[i].x = x; storedCurve[i].y = y; } } //========================================================== void initializeSplineSegmentCollections() { // These are cubic Bezier control points in the format {x,y,x,y,x,y,x,y} // which duplicate, to the best of my abilities, the cubic splines used in // the original by Manfred Mohr: // Mohr's original randomization technique for producing these is otherwise unknown. // The numbers have been normalized in the range 0...1. float ctrlPtsA0[] = {-0.09318,0.65749, 0.00986,0.65749, 0.02457,0.46173, 0.08051,0.46173}; float ctrlPtsA1[] = { 0.08051,0.46173, 0.10847,0.46173, 0.14233,0.60598, 0.17324,0.60598}; float ctrlPtsA2[] = { 0.17324,0.60598, 0.22328,0.60598, 0.32043,0.39402, 0.43818,0.39402}; float ctrlPtsA3[] = { 0.43818,0.39402, 0.47792,0.39402, 0.53533,0.41169, 0.57948,0.41169}; float ctrlPtsA4[] = { 0.57948,0.41169, 0.64719,0.41169, 0.73992,0.39255, 0.81646,0.39255}; float ctrlPtsA5[] = { 0.81646,0.39255, 0.95629,0.39255, 1.10201,0.57654, 1.13733,0.57654}; float ctrlPtsB0[] = {-0.15500,0.34987,-0.10790,0.34987, 0.00544,0.52355, 0.13202,0.52355}; float ctrlPtsB1[] = { 0.13202,0.52355, 0.24094,0.52355, 0.27333,0.38666, 0.31012,0.38666}; float ctrlPtsB2[] = { 0.31012,0.38666, 0.34251,0.38666, 0.41905,0.57507, 0.47056,0.57507}; float ctrlPtsB3[] = { 0.47056,0.57507, 0.50000,0.57507, 0.50883,0.52797, 0.53238,0.52797}; float ctrlPtsB4[] = { 0.53238,0.52797, 0.55004,0.52797, 0.56624,0.53680, 0.58684,0.53680}; float ctrlPtsB5[] = { 0.58684,0.53680, 0.66191,0.53680, 0.71048,0.45731, 0.81204,0.45731}; float ctrlPtsB6[] = { 0.81204,0.45731, 0.94893,0.45731, 1.04166,0.55299, 1.10495,0.55299}; // Init the first curve, using those control points. float ctrlPtsA[][] = new float[6][]; ctrlPtsA[0] = ctrlPtsA0; ctrlPtsA[1] = ctrlPtsA1; ctrlPtsA[2] = ctrlPtsA2; ctrlPtsA[3] = ctrlPtsA3; ctrlPtsA[4] = ctrlPtsA4; ctrlPtsA[5] = ctrlPtsA5; curveA = new SplineSegmentCollection(6, ctrlPtsA); // Init the second curve, using those control points. float ctrlPtsB[][] = new float[7][]; ctrlPtsB[0] = ctrlPtsB0; ctrlPtsB[1] = ctrlPtsB1; ctrlPtsB[2] = ctrlPtsB2; ctrlPtsB[3] = ctrlPtsB3; ctrlPtsB[4] = ctrlPtsB4; ctrlPtsB[5] = ctrlPtsB5; ctrlPtsB[6] = ctrlPtsB6; curveB = new SplineSegmentCollection(7, ctrlPtsB); } //========================================================== void keyPressed() { seriesMode = 1 - seriesMode; } //========================================================== void mousePressed() { seriesMode = 1 - seriesMode; } //========================================================== void draw() { background (25); stroke (240); strokeCap (ROUND); noFill(); smooth(); float stepSize = (xRight-xLeft) / (float)nLinesAcross; float lineThickness = strokePercent * stepSize; strokeWeight (lineThickness); // Draw first set of vertical lines, down from the first curve for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { float x = storedCurve[i].x; float y = storedCurve[i].y; line (x, y, x, yBottom); } // Draw the outline of the first curve, itself beginShape(); for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { vertex (storedCurve[i].x, storedCurve[i].y); } endShape(); // Search for top and bottom of storedCurve float curveTop = yBottom; float curveBottom = 0; for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { float y = storedCurve[i].y; if (y < curveTop) { curveTop = y; } if (y > curveBottom) { curveBottom = y; } } // Draw horizontal lines for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { float y = map(i, 0, (nLinesAcross-1), yTop, yBottom); if (y <= curveTop) { line (xLeft+lineThickness, y, xRight, y); } else if ( y > curveBottom) { ; // draw no line } else { float px0 = xLeft + lineThickness; int UNDEFINED_EDGE = -1; int RISING_EDGE = 0; int FALLING_EDGE = 1; int mostRecentIntersection = UNDEFINED_EDGE; for (int j=0; j<(nLinesAcross-1); j++) { float xj = storedCurve[j].x; float yj = storedCurve[j].y; float xk = storedCurve[j+1].x; float yk = storedCurve[j+1].y; boolean bIntersectionOnRisingEdge = ((y <= yj) && (y >= yk)); boolean bIntersectionOnFallingEdge = ((y >= yj) && (y <= yk)); boolean bOnLastLine = (j == (nLinesAcross-2)); if (bIntersectionOnRisingEdge) { float px1 = xj + (yj - y)/(yj - yk)*(xk-xj); line (px0, y, px1, y); mostRecentIntersection = RISING_EDGE; px0 = px1; } else if (bIntersectionOnFallingEdge) { px0 = xj + (y - yj)/(yk - yj)*(xk-xj); mostRecentIntersection = FALLING_EDGE; } else if (bOnLastLine && (mostRecentIntersection == FALLING_EDGE)) { line (px0, y, xk, y); } } } } // Draw the second set of vertical lines. for (int i=0; i<nLinesAcross; i++) { float x = map(i, 0, (nLinesAcross-1), 0, 1); float y = curveB.cubicBezierLookup (x); x = map(x, 0, 1, xLeft, xRight); y = map(y, 0, 1, yTop, yBottom); if (seriesMode == 0) { line (x+lineThickness+1, yTop, x+lineThickness, y); } else { line (x+lineThickness+1, y, x+lineThickness, yBottom); } } } //========================================================== class SplineSegmentCollection { int nSplineSegments; SplineSegment segments[]; SplineSegmentCollection (int nSegs, float[][] controlPoints) { nSplineSegments = nSegs; segments = new SplineSegment[nSplineSegments]; for (int i=0; i<nSplineSegments; i++) { segments[i] = new SplineSegment(); segments[i].x0 = controlPoints[i][0]; segments[i].y0 = controlPoints[i][1]; segments[i].x1 = controlPoints[i][2]; segments[i].y1 = controlPoints[i][3]; segments[i].x2 = controlPoints[i][4]; segments[i].y2 = controlPoints[i][5]; segments[i].x3 = controlPoints[i][6]; segments[i].y3 = controlPoints[i][7]; } } //--------------------------------------- float cubicBezierLookup (float x) { float y = 0; int whichSegment = inWhichSegmentIsXValueContained (x); if (whichSegment != -1) { y = segments[whichSegment].cubicBezierLookup (x); } return y; } //--------------------------------------- int inWhichSegmentIsXValueContained(float x) { int whichSegment = -1; for (int s=0; s<nSplineSegments; s++) { if ((x >= segments[s].x0) && (x <= segments[s].x3)) { whichSegment = s; } } return whichSegment; } } //========================================================== class SplineSegment { float x0; // initial x float y0; // initial y float x1; // 1st influence x float y1; // 1st influence y float x2; // 2nd influence x float y2; // 2nd influence y float x3; // final x float y3; // final y //--------------------------------------- float cubicBezierLookup (float queryx) { // Assume control points of (0,0), (a,b), (c,d), and (1,1); // Given horizontal query point x between 0...1 // Return function value y (also in the range 0...1). // Adapted from BEZMATH.PS (1993) by Don Lancaster, Synergetics Inc. // float A = x3 - 3*x2 + 3*x1 - x0; float B = 3*x2 - 6*x1 + 3*x0; float C = 3*x1 - 3*x0; float D = x0; float E = y3 - 3*y2 + 3*y1 - y0; float F = 3*y2 - 6*y1 + 3*y0; float G = 3*y1 - 3*y0; float H = y0; // Solve for t given x (using Newton-Raphelson), then solve for y given t. // Assume for the first guess that t = 0.5. (Could also use queryx if in 0...1) float currentt = 0.5; int nRefinementIterations = 5; for (int i=0; i<nRefinementIterations; i++) { float currentx = xFromT (currentt, A, B, C, D); float currentslope = slopeFromT (currentt, A, B, C); currentt -= (currentx - queryx)*(currentslope); currentt = constrain(currentt, 0, 1); } float y = yFromT (currentt, E, F, G, H); return y; } //---------------------------------------------------------- float slopeFromT (float t, float A, float B, float C) { float dtdx = 1.0/(3.0*A*t*t + 2.0*B*t + C); return dtdx; } //---------------------------------------------------------- float xFromT (float t, float A, float B, float C, float D) { float x = A*(t*t*t) + B*(t*t) + C*t + D; return x; } //---------------------------------------------------------- float yFromT (float t, float E, float F, float G, float H) { float y = E*(t*t*t) + F*(t*t) + G*t + H; return y; } }