
Jan Vantomme

Based on: Untitled 7 by Belfort Group, 1976

Category: direct


This sketch is running in the browser.

Part of the ReCode Project (http://recodeproject.com)
Based on "Untitled 7" by Belfort Group
Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n3, 1976
Copyright (c) 2013 Jan Vantomme - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license).

/* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */

int blockWidth  = 10;
int blockHeight = 10;

int h1;
int h2;
int h3;

int probability;

void setup()
    size( 800, 800 );

    h1 = floor( random( 2, 20 ) ) * 2;
    h2 = floor( random( 2, 20 ) ) * 2;
    h3 = 80 - h1 - h2;
    probability = floor( random( 30, 40 ));

void draw()
    background( 0 );
    for ( int x = 0; x < width; x += blockWidth ) {
        if ( random( 100 ) < probability ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < h1; i+=2 ) {
                translate( x, i * blockHeight );
                rect( 0, 0, blockWidth, blockHeight );

    for ( int x = 0; x < width; x += blockWidth ) {
        if ( random( 100 ) < probability ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < h2; i+=2 ) {
                translate( x, i * blockHeight + h1 * blockHeight );
                rect( 0, 0, blockWidth, blockHeight );
    for ( int x = 0; x < width; x += blockWidth ) {
        if ( random( 100 ) < probability ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < h3; i+=2 ) {
                translate( x, i * blockHeight + ( h1 + h2 ) * blockHeight );
                rect( 0, 0, blockWidth, blockHeight );

void mousePressed()
    h1 = floor( random( 2, 20 ) ) * 2;
    h2 = floor( random( 2, 20 ) ) * 2;
    h3 = 80 - h1 - h2;
    probability = floor( random( 30, 40 ));
