Topographic Form

Jay Kominek

Based on: Topographic Form by Sture Johannesson, 1976

Category: direct


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Part of the ReCode Project (
Based on "Topographic Form" by Sture Johannesson
Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n2, 1976
Copyright (c) 2014 Jay Kominek - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license).

/* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */

Part of the ReCode Project (
Based on "Topographic Form" by Sture Johannesson
Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" vol1 no2, 1976
Copyright (c) 2014 Jay Kominek - OSI/MIT license (

// by Sture Johannesson and Sten Kallin, Malmo, Sweden

class RaisedArc {
  float cx, cy;
  float r;
  float width;
  float start, stop;
  float height;
  RaisedArc(float x_, float y_,
            float r_, float width_,
            float start_, float stop_,
            float height_)
     cx = x_; cy = y_; r = r_;
     width = width_/2.0;   height = height_;
     start = start_;   stop = stop_;

  // the arc is effectively -pi/2 to pi/2 of cosine,
  // stretched to the specified width and height, and extruded
  // along the arc centered at x,y and r units from there,
  // run from start radians to stop radians.
  float computeHeight(float px, float py)
     float rx = px - cx, ry = py - cy;
     float theta = atan2(ry, rx) + PI;
     float distance = sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry);
     if( (start <= theta) && (theta <= stop) )
         float wp = abs(r - distance) / width;

         // you can comment this out to get "ringing"
         // from the arcs.
         if(wp >= 1.0) wp = 1.0;

         return height * cos(PI/2.0 * wp);
       return 0.0;

RaisedArc[] arcs;
int sh = 600;
int sw = 3*(sh/2);

// you can make a cleaner looking version by permitting smoothing,
// and making the fx step much, much smaller.
// decreasing the fx step eliminates the slight appearance of perspective at
// the ends of the partial arcs, though. (you can see evidence of large fx
// steps in the original about halfway up the outside of the left arc.)

void setup()
  arcs = new RaisedArc[4];
  arcs[0] = new RaisedArc(  0, 0, 15, 9, 0, 2*PI, 10);
  arcs[1] = new RaisedArc(-30, 0, 15, 9, PI, 2*PI, 10);
  arcs[2] = new RaisedArc(-30, 0, 15, 9, 0, PI/2, 10);
  arcs[3] = new RaisedArc( 30, 0, 15, 9, 0, 1.5*PI, 10);
  size(sw, sh, P3D);

void draw()
  // black on white

  // the XY plane is tilted, but it is hard to tell
  float rotation = 28.12 / 180.0 * PI;
  // because the projection is orthographic

  // scoot us to the middle
  translate(sw/2, sh/2, 0);
  // scale things up. values made up to fit the window.
  scale((sw/2)/60*1.05, (sh/2)/41*1.05, 1.0);

  rotate(rotation, 1, 0, 0);
  for(int iy = -41; iy < 41; iy++)
    float fy = (float)iy;

    // this flip flops the direction in which we're drawing. no way to know
    // for sure from the original, but it would work better with any sort of
    // scanning display device (storage scopes, etc), and simplifies the little
    // connections at the end.
    float fx_start = ((iy%2)!=0)?-60.0:60.0;
    float fx_stop  = -fx_start;
    float fx_step  = ((iy%2)!=0)?1.0:-1.0;
    for(float fx = fx_start; ((iy%2)!=0)?(fx<=fx_stop):(fx>=fx_stop); fx += fx_step)
        float fz = 0.0;

        // height of our surface is the height of the tallest arc at that spot.
        for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
          float h = arcs[j].computeHeight(fx, fy-0.5);
          if(h > fz)
            fz = h;

        // emit a vertex. i bet this part was more complicated in the original.