Untitled - WG Wolfgang (Array)

Jerome Herr

Based on: Untitled by W G Wolfgang, 1976

Category: direct


No more than 4 same symbols in a row vertically and no more than 2 same symbols in a row horizontally.

(Please delete my previous submission) This sketch is running in the browser.

Part of the ReCode Project (http://recodeproject.com)
Based on "Untitled" by W G Wolfgang
Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n4, 1976
Copyright (c) 2013 Jerome Herr - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license).

/* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */

float incr_x, incr_y, x, y, r;
int countLine = 0; // how many lines in a (vertical) row?
int countCross = 0; // how many crosses in a (vertical) row?
int margin = 15;
int counter = -1;
int isX[] = {
int val;
int steps_x, steps_y; // number of rows and columns
int max = 4; // max number of symbols in a row, vertically!

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);

  steps_x = 10; //number of columns
  steps_y = 12; //number of lines

  incr_x = width/float(steps_x);
  incr_y = height/float(steps_y);


void draw() {

void drawPattern() {
  for (x = 0; x < width; x += incr_x) {
    for (y = (incr_y)/2; y < height; y += incr_y) {
      counter += 1;
      r = random(1);
      if (counter>2*steps_y-1) {
        if (isX[counter-2*steps_y]+isX[counter-steps_y]== 2) {
          val = 0;
        else if (isX[counter-2*steps_y]+isX[counter-steps_y]== 0) {
          val = 1;
        else {
          if (r >0.6) {
            val = 1;
          else {
            val = 0;
      else {
        if (r >0.5) {
          val = 1;
        else {
          val = 0;
      if (countLine == max) {
        val = 1;
        countLine = 0;
        countCross += 1;
      if (countCross == max) {
        val = 0;
        countLine += 1;
        countCross = 0;
      isX = append(isX, val);
      if (isX[counter] == 1) {
      else {

void mouseClicked() {

void isCross() {
  line(x+10, y+(incr_y)/2-margin, x+(incr_x) - margin, y-(incr_y)/2 +margin);
  line(x+10, y-(incr_y)/2+margin, x+(incr_x) - margin, y+ (incr_y)/2 -margin);
  countCross += 1;
  countLine =0;

void isLine() {
  line(x +margin, y, x + (incr_x)-margin, y);
  countCross = 0;
  countLine +=1;