Based on: Random Squares by Charles Csuri, 1976
Category: direct
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Random Squares" by Charles Csuri Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n2, 1976 Copyright (c) 2023 JohnC - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ void setup(){ size(600,600); background(255); rectMode(CENTER); noFill(); strokeWeight(2); float avgMSqSz = 40; float avgSSqSz = 15; float avgLSqSz = 100; float margin = 50; int verticalMediumLineNo = floor(random(12,14)); //vertical medium squares for(int i = 0; i < verticalMediumLineNo; i++){ float sz = avgMSqSz * random(.9,1.1); float gap = (width - 2 * margin - avgMSqSz) / (verticalMediumLineNo - 1); float x = margin + avgMSqSz / 2 + i * gap; x += (i == 0 || i == verticalMediumLineNo - 1) ? random(-10,10) : random(-gap * 0.4, gap * 0.4); int numOfSq = floor(random(4,7)); for (int j = 0; j < numOfSq; j ++){ float y = random(margin + sz/2, height - (margin + sz/2)); rect(x, y, sz, sz, 2); } } int horizontalMediumLineNo = floor(random(12,14)); //horizontal medium squares for(int i = 0; i < horizontalMediumLineNo; i++){ float sz = avgMSqSz * random(.9,1.1); float gap = (height - 2 * margin - avgMSqSz) / (horizontalMediumLineNo - 1); float y = margin + avgMSqSz / 2 + i * gap; y += (i == 0 || i == horizontalMediumLineNo - 1) ? random(-10,10) : random(-gap * 0.4, gap * 0.4); int numOfSq = floor(random(4,7)); for (int j = 0; j < numOfSq; j ++){ float x = random(margin + sz/2, width - (margin + sz/2)); rect(x, y, sz, sz, 2); } } int verticalSmallLineNo = floor(random(16,18)); //vertical small squares for(int i = 0; i < verticalSmallLineNo; i++){ float sz = avgSSqSz * random(.9,1.1); float gap = (width - 2 * margin - avgSSqSz - avgMSqSz) / (verticalSmallLineNo - 1); float x = margin + avgSSqSz / 2 + avgMSqSz/2 + i * gap; x += (i == 0 || i == verticalSmallLineNo - 1) ? random(-2,2) : random(-gap * 0.4, gap * 0.4); int numOfSq = floor(random(10,16)); for (int j = 0; j < numOfSq; j ++){ float y = random(margin + sz/2 + avgMSqSz/2, height - (margin + sz/2 + avgMSqSz/2)); rect(x, y, sz, sz, 2); } } int horizontalSmallLineNo = floor(random(16,18)); //horizontal small squares for(int i = 0; i < horizontalSmallLineNo; i++){ float sz = avgSSqSz * random(.9,1.1); float gap = (height - 2 * margin - avgSSqSz - avgMSqSz) / (horizontalSmallLineNo - 1); float y = margin + avgSSqSz / 2 + avgMSqSz/2 + i * gap; y += (i == 0 || i == horizontalSmallLineNo - 1) ? random(-2,2) : random(-gap * 0.4, gap * 0.4); int numOfSq = floor(random(10,16)); for (int j = 0; j < numOfSq; j ++){ float x = random(margin + sz/2 + avgMSqSz/2, width - (margin + sz/2 + avgMSqSz/2)); rect(x, y, sz, sz, 2); } } int largeSquareNo = floor(random(3, 6)); for (int i = 0; i < largeSquareNo; i ++){ float sz = avgLSqSz * random(.9,1.1); float x = random(margin + sz/2, width - (margin + sz/2)); float y = random(margin + sz/2, height - (margin + sz/2)); rect(x, y, sz, sz, 2); } }