Based on: Digital Computer Based Sculpture Composed of Coloured Elements by Larence J Mazlack, 1976
Category: experimental
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Digital Computer Based Sculpture Composed of Coloured Elements" by Larence J Mazlack Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n2, 1976 Copyright (c) 2021 Luke Labenski - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ /* "Digital Computer Based Sculpture Composed of Coloured Elements" Larence J Mazlack 1976 Computer Graphics Re-Coded by Luke Labenski */ //floats used for creating grid float x = 0; float y = 0; //top left grid parameters int xMax1 = 4; int yMax1 = 4; //bottom left grid parameters int xMax2 = 5; int yMax2 = 5; //top right grid parameters int xMax3 = 5; int yMax3 = 4; //bottom right grid parameters int xMax4 = 5; int yMax4 = 6; //square size float spacing = 45; //requires JMHTypewriter Think from // //font for text PFont font; //save frame int saveF = 0; //typical setup void setup() { size(500, 500); font = createFont("Typewriter.ttf", 24); } //creation of piece void draw() { //white background to match image background(255); //black stroke to match image stroke(0); //stroke size to match image strokeWeight(5); //creating the grids //starting x slightly off center x = 45; //counter to meet grid parameters int count = 0; //top left grid //loop that draws lines while (count<xMax1) { line(x, 0, x, 210); x= x+spacing; count++; } //finishing touches of hand drawn lines //right box line line(x, 0, x, 210); //top box line line(0, 2, x, 2); //reset count to make grid count = 0; //same as before y = 50; while (count<yMax1) { line(0, y, x, y); y = y+spacing+9; count++; } //bottom left grid x=45; count = 0; while (count<xMax2) { line(x, height, x, height-250); x=x+spacing; count++; } line(0, height-250, x-spacing, height-250); count=0; y=height-1; while (count<yMax2) { line(0, y, x-spacing, y); y = y-50; count++; } //top right grid x = width+5; count = 0; while (count<xMax3) { line(x, 0, x, 210); x=x-spacing; count++; } line(x, 0, x, 210); line(width+2, 2, x, 2); count = 0; y=50; while (count<yMax3) { line(width+2, y, x, y); y = y+spacing+9; count++; } //bottom right grid count = 0; x=width+5; while (count<xMax4) { line(x, height, x, height-250); x=x-spacing; count++; } line(x, height, x, height-250); y = height-1; count=0; while (count<yMax4) { line(width, y, x, y); y=y-50; count++; } //allow me to more easily draw the black boxes rectMode(CENTER); //black boxes fill(0); //top two boxes //second box, top rect(67, -20, 41, 41); //top right secondary rect(width-153, -21, 41, 44); //fifth box top rect(204, 26, 41, 42); //top right box rect(width-16, 26, 41, 42); //top box center rect(114, 76, 42, 50); //top right box center rect(width-108, 76, 43, 52); //top left center right box rect(158, 131, 40, 48); //top right center bottom rect(width-62, 131, 40, 48); //top left bottom left rect(21, 185, 42, 48); //top right bottom left rect(width-198, 185, 42, 50); //bottom two boxes //top left center rect(67, 275, 41, 43); //top right center rect(width-153, 274, 41, 44); //top right center left rect(204, 324, 41, 45); //top right offscreen rect(width-16, 324, 41, 45); //center dead center rect(114, 374, 44, 50); //center dead center right box rect(width-108, 374, 43, 52); //bottom right center left box rect(158, 422, 40, 50); //right bottom center box rect(width-62, 422, 40, 50); //bottom left rect(21, height-27, 42, 48); //bottom right rect(width-198, height-27, 42, 48); //text for boxes textSize(32); textFont(font); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); //top left box //line 1 text("E", 21, 23); text("A", 68, 23); text("S", 114, 23); text("E", 158, 23); //line 2 text("S", 21, 75); text("R", 68, 75); text("D", 158, 75); text("R", 204, 75); //line 3 text("T", 21, 128); text("E", 68, 128); text("A", 114, 128); text("A", 204, 128); //line 4 text("A", 68, 182); text("N", 114, 182); text("O", 158, 182); text("N", 204, 182); //top right box //line 1 text("L", 302, 23); text("P", 347, 23); //line2 text("E", 347, 75); //line3 text("A", 347, 128); //line4 text("T", 347, 182); text("O", 393, 182); //bottom left box //line1 text("A", 114, 271); text("R", 158, 271); text("T", 204, 271); //line2 text("F", 68, 321); //line3 text("A", 68, 371); //line4 text("W", 68, 421); text("A", 114, 421); //line5 text("A", 68, 471); //bottom right box //line1 text("A", 393, 271); text("R", 438, 271); text("T", 483, 271); //line2 text("L", 302, 321); text("K", 347, 321); //line3 text("O", 302, 371); text("R", 347, 371); //line4 text("I", 347, 421); text("P", 393, 421); //line5 text("T", 347, 471); //filters for scanned effect filter(ERODE); filter(DILATE); //adding very small dots for detail fill(255); ellipseMode(CENTER); circle(224, 19, 3); circle(width-5, 26, 7); circle(434, 108, 5); circle(204, 319, 5); circle(95, 360, 4); circle(299, 471, 5); //filter to push scanned effect //filter(BLUR, 1); if(saveF == 0){ saveFrame("SaveFrame.png"); saveF++; } }