Based on: Untitled 2 by Reiner Schneeberger, 1978
Category: experimental
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Untitled 2" by Reiner Schneeberger Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v3n2, 1978 Copyright (c) 2013 Mario Guida - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ int W = 500; int H = 500; float dh0,dh1,dw0,dw1; float block,ds; float exp; float mul_factor; int sample_rate; int block_space; LineGroup obj; void setup() { size(500,500); block_space = 9; block = H/block_space; //9 ds = block/2; exp = 12; mul_factor = 1; sample_rate = 4; obj = new LineGroup(); noLoop(); } void draw() { background(255); int counter = 1; dw0 = 0; dw1 = W; dh0 = 0; dh1 = 0; for (float a = 0; a <= PI; a = a+(PI/sample_rate) ) { float div = abs(cos(a)) + (exp-abs(cos(a))); dh0 = dh1; dh1 = dh0 + (mul_factor*block); obj.Settings(dh0, dh1, dw0, dw1, block/div, 0); if(counter<=sample_rate/2) { exp = exp/2; mul_factor++; } else { exp = exp*2; mul_factor--; } counter ++; } dw0 = 0; dw1 = 0; float delta_s=0; float space = 0; for (int i=0; i<sample_rate; i++) { dh0 = (sample_rate-i)*block; dh1 = dh0 + ( ( (2*i) + 1) * block) ; dw0 = dw1; if (i==0) { dw1 = dw0 + ( (13*W) / 100); delta_s = dw1-dw0; space = delta_s/28; } else { dw1 = dw0 + ( (29*W) / 100); delta_s = dw1-dw0; space = delta_s/(60-(16*i )); } obj.Settings(dh0, dh1, dw0, dw1, space, 1); } } class LineGroup { int c; float x,y,dx,dy; float nline; float space; int type; // 0 = orizontal and 1 = vertical LineGroup() { c = 0; space = 1; x = 0; y = 0; dx = 0; dy = 0; type = 0; } void Settings(float dh0, float dh1, float dw0, float dw1, float div, int t) { x = dw0; y = dh0; dx = dw1; dy = dh1; nline = div; type = t; space = div; Display(); } void Display() { //strokeWeight(2); if (type == 0) { for(float i=y; i<dy-1; i = i + space) { line(x,i,dx,i); } } else { for(float i=x; i<dx-1; i = i + space) { line(i,y,i,dy); } } } }