Untitled 2

Martin Schneider

Based on: Untitled 2 by Vladimir Bonacic, 1977

Category: direct


This sketch simply creates the four patterns of the second image

in the article from the pattern presets given below.

Press any key to switch between patterns. This code does not run in the browser.

Part of the ReCode Project (http://recodeproject.com)
Based on "Untitled 2" by Vladimir Bonacic
Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" vol2 no3, 1977
Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Schneider - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license).

//                                                                    //
//   "Dynamic Object GF.E (16, 4) 69/71" by Vladimir Bonačić          //
//                                                                    //
//                     ( untitled 2 )                                 //
//                                                                    //

// The dynamic object is a 32 x 32 display.
// It visualizes objects from  abstract algebra, 
// which are known as Galois groups.

// Source:
// "Research and Teaching in Art and Science" by Vladimir Bonačić
// Computer Graphics and Art Vol. 2, No. 3 pp. 4-8

// See also:
// "Kinetic Art: Application of Abstract Algebra to Objects with Computer-
// Controlled Flashing Lights and Sound Combinations" by Vladimir Bonačić
// Leonardo, Vol. 7, No. 3
// Note: This paper is quite mathematical at times.
// The implementation however is actually really simple.

///////////////////////////// UNTITLED 2 ///////////////////////////////

// this sketch simply creates the 4 patterns of the 2nd image 
// in the article from the pattern presets given below. 

// Press any key to switch between patterns

long[] preset = { 4294967295l, 100675584l, 2146959392l, 4293918847l };

int d = 1<<5;            // cells per dimension
int led = 10;            // size of the light bulb
int w = led * d + 1;     // display size
int p = 0;

void setup() {
 size(w, w);

void draw() {
  for(int y = 0; y < d; y++) {
    for(int x = 0; x < d; x++) {
      if( (1l<<(x^y) & preset[p] ) > 0) {
        rect(led * x, led * y, led, led);

void keyPressed() {
  p = (p + 1) % preset.length;