Based on: Untitled 2 by Vladimir Bonacic, 1977
Category: experimental
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Untitled 2" by Vladimir Bonacic Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" vol2 no3, 1977 Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Schneider - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // "Dynamic Object GF.E (16, 4) 69/71" by Vladimir Bonačić // // // // (interactive version) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The dynamic object is a 32 x 32 display. // It visualizes objects from abstract algebra, // which are known as Galois groups. // Source: // "Research and Teaching in Art and Science" by Vladimir Bonačić // Computer Graphics and Art Vol. 2, No. 3 pp. 4-8 // See also: // "Kinetic Art: Application of Abstract Algebra to Objects with Computer- // Controlled Flashing Lights and Sound Combinations" by Vladimir Bonačić // Leonardo, Vol. 7, No. 3 // Note: This paper is quite mathematical at times. // The implementation however is actually really simple. ///////////////////////// INTERACTIVE VERSION /////////////////////////// // This is the dynamic interactive version with pattern cycling and // mouse interaction ( the original had 32 keys to control the pattern ) // - press space to toggle animation // - press 'p' to switch through presets // - press 'g' to toggle afterglow // - use the mouse to modify the pattern //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int d = 1<<5; // cells per dimension int led = 10; // size of the light bulb int w = led * d + 1; // display size int pick = 1; // picked preset // we need the long datatype, because we have 32 bit positive integers long[] preset= { 4294967295l, 100675584l, 2146959392l, 4293918847l }; // there are 2^32 different patterns controlled by the 32 bits of p long p = preset[pick]; // the generator is used to create a more interesting pattern sequence long generator = 4299161607l; int frames = 60; boolean animate = true; boolean debug = true; boolean glow = true; void setup() { size(w, w); info(); } void draw() { // add some afterglow fill(0, glow ? 30 : 255); rect(0, 0, w, w); fill(255); // draw the pattern for(int y = 0; y < d; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < d; x++) { // this is where the magic happens if( (1l<<(x ^ y) & p ) > 0) { rect(led * x, led * y, led, led); } } } // jump to a different pattern if( animate && frameCount % frames == 0) { p *= 2; if(p >= 1l<<d) p ^= generator; info(); } // change the pattern using the mouse if(mousePressed) { int x = (mouseX/led) & d-1; int y = (mouseY/led) & d-1; long bit = 1l<<(x ^ y); p = mouseButton == LEFT ? p | bit : p & ~bit; info(); } } void keyPressed() { switch(key) { // animation on/off case ' ': animate = ! animate; return; // switch between presets case 'p': p = preset[pick = (pick + 1) % preset.length]; animate = false; break; // next pattern case '+': p++; break; // previous pattern case '-': p--; break; // toggle afterglow case 'g': glow = !glow; break; // toggle debugging case 'd': debug = !debug; default: return; } // constrain to 32 bits p &= ((1l<<d) - 1) ; info(); } // show pattern input void info() { if(debug) println("p = [" + binary((int) + p, d)+ "] = " + p ); }