Based on: Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Kenneth Knowlton, 1976
Category: direct
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" by Kenneth Knowlton Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" vol1 no2, 1976 Copyright (c) 2012 Quin Kennedy - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ //image from: void setup(){ //size(629, 821, P2D);//aspect ratio of piece in PDF if (use == 0){ size(686, 820, P2D);//pretty close with Krungthep-10 } else if (use == 1){ size(646/*660*/, 818, P2D);//set for KufiStandardGK-10 } else if (use == 2){ size(686, 820, P2D);//pretty close with Krungthep-12 } else if (use == 3){ size(686, 819, P2D);//used with no font specified } noLoop(); } PFont f; //3 works well, just the font is too clean //1 has a nice pixely font static final int use = 1; void draw(){ PImage img = loadImage("girl_gaze_contrast1_small2.jpg"); PGraphics i = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); i.beginDraw(); i.background(0); float srcWidth = width/(((float)height)/img.height); i.blend(img, (int)((img.width - srcWidth)/2), 0, (int)srcWidth, img.height, 0, 0, width, height, DIFFERENCE); i.endDraw(); PGraphics t = createGraphics(width, height, P2D); t.beginDraw(); if (use == 0){ f = loadFont("Krungthep-10.vlw"); } else if (use == 1){ f = loadFont("KufiStandardGK-10.vlw");//"Krungthep-10.vlw"); } else if (use == 2){ f = loadFont("Krungthep-12.vlw"); } else if (use == 3){ //don't load a font } if (f != null){ t.textFont(f); } t.background(0); t.stroke(255); t.textAlign(CENTER); String s = join(loadStrings("Universal Declaration of Human Rights.txt"), " "); String small = s; int offset = 0; float px = width/2.; float py = 16; while (small.length() > 0){ while (small.length() > 0 && !lineJustify(small, px, py, width-20, t)){ int lastSpace = small.lastIndexOf(' '); if (lastSpace == -1){ println("OH NO!"); return; } small = small.substring(0, lastSpace); } py += 11; offset += small.length() + 1; if (offset >= s.length()){ break; } small = s.substring(offset); } t.endDraw(); PShader shade = loadShader("frag.glsl"); i.loadPixels(); t.loadPixels(); loadPixels(); for(int k = 0; k < pixels.length; k++){ int ip = i.pixels[k]; int tp = t.pixels[k]; colorMode(RGB, 1); pixels[k] = color((red(ip)*3/4+.25)*(red(tp)), (green(ip)*3/4+.25)*(green(tp)), (blue(ip)*3/4+.25)*(blue(tp))); } updatePixels(); filter(shade); filter(shade); //filter(shade); //filter(shade); //filter(THRESHOLD, .2);//too strong } //thanks to boolean lineJustify(String s, float px, float py, int w, PGraphics g){ float tw = g.textWidth(s); if (tw > w){ return false; } if (tw == w){ g.text(s, px, py); return true; } String[] tokens = split(s, " "); if (tokens.length <= 1){ g.text(s, px, py); return true; } float tow = 0; for(String currS : tokens){ tow += g.textWidth(currS); } float cx = px - w/2.; float gap = w - tow; float gutter = gap/(tokens.length-1.); for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){ cx += g.textWidth(tokens[i])/2; g.text(tokens[i], cx, py); cx += g.textWidth(tokens[i])/2+gutter; } return true; }