Based on: Untitled 3 by Aaron Marcus, 1978
Category: direct
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/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Untitled 3" by Aaron Marcus Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v3n2, 1978 Copyright (c) 2012 Quin Kennedy - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ static final int numLines = 21; static final int numShapes = 7; static final int lineHalfHeight = 16; static final int borderPixelSize = 15; static final int canvasSize = numLines*2*lineHalfHeight+borderPixelSize*2; static final float aspectRatio = 670/700.;//taken from reproduction in PDF void setup(){ //the combination of P2D, 1.5 stroke, and no smoothing creates an attractive raw look size(floor(canvasSize*aspectRatio), canvasSize, P2D); noLoop(); } void draw(){ //smooth(8); background(0); stroke(255); noFill(); strokeWeight(1.5); strokeJoin(SQUARE); strokeCap(SQUARE); pushMatrix(); translate(borderPixelSize, borderPixelSize + lineHalfHeight); for(int i = 0; i < numLines; i++){ drawLine(); translate(0, lineHalfHeight*2); } popMatrix(); } void drawLine(){ pushMatrix(); int pixelsRemaining = width-borderPixelSize*2; int pixelsPrevious = 0; line(0, 0, pixelsRemaining, 0); while(pixelsRemaining > 0){ boolean rightSideUpFirst = random(1) < .5; int shapeIndex = floor(random(numShapes)); //small items are more common, quick hack if(shapeIndex >= 2 && random(1) < .5){ shapeIndex = floor(random(2)); } //large arcs are less common, quick hack if (shapeIndex == 6 && random(1) < .5){ shapeIndex = floor(random(numShapes-1)); } int pixelsUsed = drawShape(shapeIndex, pixelsRemaining, pixelsPrevious, rightSideUpFirst); if (shapeIndex < 3){ shapeIndex = floor(random(3)); pixelsUsed = max(pixelsUsed, drawShape(shapeIndex, pixelsRemaining, pixelsPrevious, !rightSideUpFirst)); } translate(pixelsUsed, 0); pixelsRemaining -= pixelsUsed; pixelsPrevious += pixelsUsed; } translate(pixelsRemaining, 0); drawShape(0, defaultStep, pixelsPrevious, true); popMatrix(); } static final int defaultStep = floor(lineHalfHeight/3); static final float longDiagWidth = tan(radians(30))*lineHalfHeight; static final float shortDiagWidth = tan(radians(30))*(lineHalfHeight/2); int drawShape(int i, int pixelsRemaining, int pixelsPrevious, boolean rightSideUp){ pushMatrix(); int toReturn = defaultStep; if (!rightSideUp){ switch(i){ case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: rotate(PI); break; } } boolean forward = random(1) < .5; switch(i){ case 0://short vertical line(0, -lineHalfHeight/2., 0, 0); break; case 1://short diagonal if ((forward ? pixelsRemaining : pixelsPrevious) < ceil(shortDiagWidth)){ toReturn = 0; break; } line(random(1) < .5 ? -shortDiagWidth : shortDiagWidth, -lineHalfHeight/2., 0, 0); break; case 2://blank break; case 3://long diagonal if (pixelsRemaining < ceil(longDiagWidth) || pixelsPrevious < ceil(longDiagWidth)){ toReturn = 0; break; } line(forward ? longDiagWidth : -longDiagWidth, -lineHalfHeight, forward ? -longDiagWidth : longDiagWidth, lineHalfHeight); break; case 4://long vertical line(0, -lineHalfHeight, 0, lineHalfHeight); break; case 5://small circle ellipse(0, -lineHalfHeight/2., lineHalfHeight/4., lineHalfHeight/4.); break; case 6://large arc if (pixelsRemaining < lineHalfHeight*2){ toReturn = 0; break; } arc(lineHalfHeight, 0, lineHalfHeight*2, lineHalfHeight*2, rightSideUp ? PI : 0, rightSideUp ? TWO_PI : PI); toReturn = lineHalfHeight*2+defaultStep; break; } popMatrix(); return toReturn; }