Based on: Untitled 3 by Mutsuko Sasaki, 1978
Category: experimental
The two function called f(t) and g(t) in the magazine are unknown. I tried a few functions with different parameters.
Two parameters can be changed with mouseX and mouseY. This sketch is running in the browser.
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Untitled 3" by Mutsuko Sasaki Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v3n3, 1978 Copyright (c) 2013 Stéphane Bizet - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ // For the Recode Project // Stéphane Bizet 5/10/2013 float radius; int xc; int yc; int nCircle=9; float x, y; void setup(){ size(800,600); stroke(20, 50, 70); strokeWeight(5); xc=width/2; yc=height/2; } void draw(){ background(255); for(int i=0;i<nCircle;i++){ radius = (i+1)*20; // the radius starts on 20 and gets bigger for each loop for (float ang=0;ang<=360;ang+=0.2){ // a full rotation float rad=ang*PI/180; //transform ang in radians rather than degrees float radiusTransformX = 3*radius/2+radius*(radius/(mouseY*1000.0/height))*cos(2*rad-5.0*mouseX/width); //changes the radius depending on the angle and the size of the circle float radiusTransformY = radius+(radius/2)*(1-radius/200); x = xc + (radiusTransformX * cos(rad)); y = yc + (radiusTransformY * sin(rad)); point(x,y); } } }