Based on: Typical Continuous Line Designs by Unknown, 1977
Category: direct
A continuous line This sketch is running in the browser.
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Typical Continuous Line Designs" by Unknown Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v2n3, 1977 Copyright (c) 2013 Ward De Muynck - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ int startX = 100; int startY = 100; int endX = 200; int endY = 200; int firstX = startX; int firstY = startX; int totalLines = 9; void setup() { size(400, 400); noLoop(); } void draw() { background(255); for (int x=0; x< totalLines;x++) { strokeWeight(2); //stroke(255, 0, 0); strokeJoin(ROUND); startX = endX; startY = endY; //stay 10px from the border endX = int(random(10, width-10)); endY = int(random(10, height-10)); liner(endX, endY, startX, startY); //add arrow to first line if (x<1) { arrow(firstX, firstY,startX, startY); } if (x>totalLines-2) { stroke(27); liner(endX, endY, firstX, firstY); } } } void liner(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { line(x1, y1, x2, y2); pushMatrix(); translate(x2, y2); popMatrix(); } void arrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { line(x1, y1, x2, y2); pushMatrix(); translate(x2, y2); float a = atan2(x1-x2, y2-y1); rotate(a); line(0, 0, -10, -10); line(0, 0, 10, -10); popMatrix(); }